Jekyll, SASS fragments, and DRY
This is how I configured Jekyll on this site, so I can display the SASS code I am using for some example without having to duplicate the sass code both in the head and in the post text:
I put SASS fragments in _includes/*.sass, for example _includes/generated.sass and _includes/quotes.sass
On a page where I am using these sass fragments, I define a page variable page.sass in the Jekyll’s page configuration:
title: Generate content with :before and :after
- generated.sass
- quotes.sass
In the default layout file default.html I convert the sass fragments to css and include the css code inline in the head of the page. This css code is included only on that page that defines the sass variable:
{% for sass in page.sass %}
<style>{% capture include_to_sassify %}{% include {{sass}} %}{% endcapture %}{{ include_to_sassify | sassify }}</style>
{% endfor %}
To display the sass fragment as syntax-highlighted text on that page:
{% highlight sass %}
{% include generated.sass %}
{% endhighlight %}